Need a portable 12V Fridge Freezer, check out our Brass Monkey products.
Brass Monkey Fridge/ Freezers have built a reputation on reliability and value for money. Now we can add innovation into the equation.
It has often been difficult to run a car fridge/ freezer without the car or 4WD.
Often people have invested in battery boxes but even with Lithium Batteries, this is a cumbersome proposition when you don’t have your vehicle near-by but want the flexibility of cold food and drinks (think Beach, Jetty and other locations). All that has changed, with specific Brass Monkey Fridge/ Freezers coming with optional onboard batteries and solar charging.
Simply unplug your new 12v fridge/ freezer from your car, or mains power and off you go. Options even come with wheels. This means NO MORE MELTING ICE and complete freedom to move around without being connected to 12v or 240v power.
The most popular 45 Litre Solar-powered Fridge/freezer is called end-tow, meaning it has wheels on the end (as opposed to the side or side-tow fridge). It is a great all-rounder and most common 4WD fridge/freezer size. Apparently very useful at Music Festivals (we are told).
45 Litre Fridge Freezer Key features & options:
Download 45Litre Fridge/ Freezer Manual
Download 45 Litre Fridge/ Freezer Datasheet
Download-Brass-Monkey-45L Features Guide.pdf
Need something a bit smaller but a large enough 12V DC/AC Fridge – check out the Brass Monkey 25 Litre Fridge.
This great sized fridge can be powered by your tool batteries. Yes, you heard it right.
The 25 Litre Fridge/ Freezer by Brass Monkey is compact and nimble, fits into a normal car easily, but holds enough for a big day (and night) out, or even a weekend away.
25 Litre Fridge/ Freezer Key features & options:
Download 25 Litre Fridge/ Freezer Manual
Download 25 Litre Fridge/ Freezer Datasheet
Download-Brass-Monkey-25L Features Guide
Need a smaller fridge/ freezer that is even more convenient? Go for the 15 Litre compact fridge/ freezer.
Great when space is limited, and everyone needs some cold food and drinks or back-up frozen meals. Great for day trips, popular on boats and amazing value.
15 Litre Fridge/ Freezer Key features & options:
Insert this 7.8Ah lithium battery into a compatible Brass Monkey Fridge/Freezer and power it independently from a vehicle. Lightweight, yet powerful, it simply snaps into a dedicated internal battery cradle.
Taking a fridge on a picnic, fishing on a riverbank, keeping a fridge in easy reach on a work site or running a fridge for extended periods where vehicle power is not available, is a great reason to add a dedicated lithium battery to a compatible Brass Monkey Fridge/Freezer. The battery fits into a dedicated battery cradle installed in the fridge and then it is ready for independent operation.
We also have an amazing range of AGM and Lithium batteries in stock that can run these great fridges! We can recommend the right battery for your needs.
Need some know how? Our knowledgeable team can explain how a Dual Battery or Solar System can power up your next camping adventure! Drop in or call us today to find out more.